Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The Things We Never Said Wins Best Radio Drama, WGGB Awards 2018

Thrilled that my first play for BBC Radio 4 won Best Radio Drama at the Writers' Guild Awards 2018.

Starring Lia Williams and Siân Phillips, it was produced and directed by Abigail Le Fleming, and went out on 11 May 2017.

There's a clip and discussion between Jane Garvey and Fi Glover on BBC Radio 4's Fortunately podcast (@ 10' 33"); and I wrote this blog about the background.

The script is available to read and download (subject to copyright) at BBCWritersroom Script Library.

(Photo: Matt Writtle)
Photo: Matt Writtle
With award presenter, Nicholas McInerny (left)
(Photo: Matt Writtle)
With agent, Diana Tyler (right)
(Photo: Matt Writtle)

Friday, 12 January 2018

Riot Girls: Male Order - Recording

Had a fab couple of days recording my new play for BBC Radio 4, Riot Girls: Male Order. 

Part of Radio 4's Riot Girls season, exploring female stories of transgressive behaviour, it's a comedy drama about Bristol dentist Barbara Manners (Belinda Lang), who returns from holiday in Brazil with a new husband in tow - 20-year-old waiter, Fabio...

Cast also features Carolyn Pickles (Harry Potter, Broadchurch, Vera) and Lino Facioli (Game of Thrones).  The play is produced and directed by Emma Harding, and goes out on 20 February 2018.